Project Management in Port Elizabeth
14 Norman rd, Mangold Park. Port Elizabeth. Eastern Cape. 6070Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about DYNAMIC VISION TEAMBUILDING
They are given crucial information & feedback to work through in order to develop a dream and design a means to achieving their plans.
Engaging in meaningful tasks and discussing the behaviours observed while solving problems and interacting with each other allows a skilled facilitation team to guide teams in their journey to success.
Teams need to be given opportunities to discover their strengths and potential.
Dynamic Vision has worked extensively with VW, Local Gvt, NMMU, Coega, Discovery, Nedbank, Old Mutual, ATNS, SEDA, Transnet, NMBM and many more in shaping teams of excellence.
Dynamic Vision is committed to partnering with our youth development company, Ikhozi Adventures, to uplift and equip the youth of the Eastern Cape and elsewhere as we grow. We are currently looking at implementing a mentoring program to support high level leaders in schools. We are also committed to training the Foxfire youth teams that work with youth across the country. Founder and team, Tony started in the education sector and now runs DV with a team of dedicated teambuilding facilitators on principles we live and teach. and his heart is attuned to find strengths and assist teams to transition finding a new level of growth, commitment, purpose and focus. AI consultants are using an appreciative approach to bring about collaborative and strengths-based change in thousands of profit and nonprofit organizations and communities in over 100 countries. Appreciative Inquiry begins by grounding ourselves and our organizations in the Core Principles of AI. The five original principles are: Constructionist, Simultaneity, Anticipatory, Poetic, and Positive. Reality, as we know it, is a subjective vs. objective state and is socially created through language and conversations. The moment we ask questions, we begin to create change. Human systems move in the direction of their images of the future. This momentum is best generated through positive questions that amplify the positive core. Seeking positve growth with clearly defined goals and an action plan to make the dream a reality. Leaders will be able to use the outcomes they design to initiate and sustain change initiatives and record vital successes. How do we identify the strengths in our people and our systems, and how can we improve upon those strengths in order to excel? How can we intensify and leverage existing strengths to create intentional transformation? How can we break down barriers and connect all individuals to magnify our strengths? Appreciative Inquiry drives the elevation, alignment, magnification, and reflection of strengths into the world. Enquire about our in-house training modules as well as our on-site training services. The facilitation of coaching is a deliberate process whereby focused conversation results in the emergence of personal insights and learning. These insights are then captured, sharpened and set into action in a reflective learning cycle. Based on best-practice, a typical executive coaching program follows a stepped approach and in the process we may make use of. Finding common ground and laying a foundation for further discussion. Are held via a combination of face-to-face, telephone, skype and video conferencing. Adjournment and further analysis of future sessions if required and/or sought after.