Maintenance in Port Elizabeth
plot 2244. Emerald Hill. Port Elizabeth. Eastern Cape. 6011Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about EasiTurf
Provides the most realistic look and feel and offers the longest life expectancy for endless practise. Built for long lasting durability, it is the perfect low maintenance, water conserving surface for high traffic areas. Ideal for high wear areas all year round.Provide the children with better cushioning from falls, and better protection from cuts and abrasions. Provides better cushioning for falls and better protection from cuts and brusing and that means fewer skinned knees. Synthetic Turf is a great product to overcome problems of availability in the winter and rainy months, high upkeep cost and quality of the playing surface. It can be used for all sports.The playing surface can be transformed into a multi-purpose field. The Ideal Turf Option to have around a swimming pool area. The turf is always green and Lush, safe for the children to run around the pool area, without the possibility of slipping. Synthetic grass is becoming increasingly popular among home owners who want the LUSH look and feel of a perfectly manicured lawn-without the hassle. Easi Turf is a premium synthetic grass which is very close to natural grass. It is extremely soft and bouncy and can be used indoor and outdoors under any climate conditions. It is easy to maintain, safe for children and pets and ideal for creating perfect low maintenance lawn effects in deep shade areas, around pools, water featers and paving. Once placed, our synthetic grass does not move, does not require watering and is as close to the real thing as possible. The grass is non-allergic and great for kids to play on. It is especially recommended in drought areas, or colder climates where frost is likely to damage natural grass. Synthetic grass is fast becoming the choice playing surface for sports, e.g. As part of Easi Turf, we do residential and corpoarte landscaping, sports projects, as well as childrens playground facilities. It is also great for indoor areas in Shopping Centres, Penthouses and Apartments. Easi Turf are suppliers of premium synthetic grass in the Eastern Cape. These products are all manufactured to international standards and have gone through the most stringent testing for durability and UV stability. We are the Only Company that stocks all three product ranges, and are able to supply the client a one- stop shop, when deciding on which product to use. Artificial grass needs very little maintenance and can free up a lot of time. Environmental issues: As our weather grows warmer there will be more pressure on restricting water usage and hose usage but artificial grass will not be affected. Another benefit is that it actively helps the environment. c. Pollution from water run off carrying chemicals into the drains is minimised.
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