Khanyisela Training
Human Resource Development in Port Elizabeth
8 Third Avenue Newton Park. Port Elizabeth. Eastern Cape. 6045What you should know about Khanyisela Training
The College is registered with the Department of Education as an FET college, and fully accredited with the Services SETA for several full qualifications. All of our Facilitators have post-matric qualifications, as well as being subject matter experts in their fields. Our Facilitators, Assessors and Moderators are regularly trained for continuous improvement. Clients include private individuals, corporates, parastatals and organs of the state. From Cape Road, riding away from the Greenacres Mall, take a right into Third Avenue. The Department of Higher Education issues all colleges who meet the quality assuring standards of Umalusi (who quality assures school level matric as well) a registration certificate. By allowing them to pursue a Grade 12 in their field, further study becomes more accessible and more relevant to so many more people. There are three matric equivalent qualifications: Management, Business Administration Services and Real Estate. You should approach the institution you would like to study at, with your Statement of Results from Khanyisela College, as well as your Certificate of Competence, and enquire about articulation. Your application will be scrutinised to ensure that you are a fit for the program that you are applying for. However, your are liable to pay the registration fee (when registering for full qualifications) of R500 before your application will be processed. If your application is successful, you will receive a welcome email/SMS from the Training department who will require you to complete pre-assessment documents. These include postponements and cancellations (if on the part of the learner). See the penalties document which will be given to you with your welcome email/SMS for further potential costs you might incur. You are required to arrive timeously for classes, and leave once the Facilitator is done for the day. Arriving or leaving more than half an hour late or early, will require you to repeat the day at your own cost. This includes behaving in a respectful manner at the College, as well as attending your classes and completing portfolios of evidence timeously.
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