SA Canvas
Waterproofing in Port Elizabeth
17-19, Horton Street Baakens Valley. Port Elizabeth. Eastern Cape. 6000Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about SA Canvas
SA Canvas Port Elizabeth specializes in custom made waterproof items. We also supply packaging tapes to businesses in P.E.
They built a solid business, known for quality products produced with integrity. The business operated in Lavinia Street, North End for many years. In January 2000 it was purchased by Marlêne Wyatt, w ho then, with the help of her team, gradually expanded the range of products to include outdoor blinds and game lodge tented camps. The company is now owned by Marlene Millard who has been involved in the business since Marlene has a wealth of knowledge acquired during her 21 years in the steel industry. Her vision is to make SA Canvas the market leader with superior quality and excellent service supported by experienced staff. SA Canvas concentrates on custom-made items not supplied in the mass market. Another happy customer came to collect this custom made speaker cover today. Not only does it make carrying the speaker easier but it also keeps the dust and rain out. Avoid evaportion during the drought by making use of a PVC dam cover, which with its two toned colour keeps the algae at bay. These covers are custom made according to your requirements and measurements. This cover was manufactured to protect a tyre (used for gym) that would be housed outside. We hope that you have a fantastic day filled with love, laughter and happiness! We hope you enjoyed your day and have many more to come! As you can see SA Canvas can make covers for any uniquely shaped boat, trailer or machine. We hope you have a great day and many more to come! Below is a custom made bike bag which we recently completed. The bag is perfect for a weekend getaway (for one) or even for a trip down to the beach, an added bonus is that it is waterproof!
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