Thatch All
Roof Contractors in Port Elizabeth
. Port Elizabeth. Eastern Cape. 6000Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Thatch All
Thatch All is situated in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. We specialise in superior quality thatch buidling, stone cladding, decking and entertainment areas. Our professional team of thatchers, builders, carpenters and stonemasons, will ensure that you have a quality end product to be proud of. We only use the best quality long Cape reed (Kaapse dekriet), sourced from the Albertinia area. We specialise in the use of H4CCA treated tree trunks for decorative elements. A roof thatched with Cape reed withstands the most extreme weather conditions, and is extremely thermally efficient. A properly compacted thatched roof, constructed at a slope of 45 degrees, has a life expectancy of 60 years, but roofs lasting up to 80 years are not uncommon. Our mission is to build a lasting client relationship and as such, our quality of workmanship is our pride.
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